6 benefits of playing sports help you live more actively

Daily exercise and exercise is considered the golden key in improving health and maintaining physique.

The regular practice also brings many unexpected benefits that you may not know. Join us to immediately discover the benefits of playing sports, to have more motivation for life.

According to the research of many experts, opinions of many doctors and practical experience of many people, playing sports has practical benefits as follows:

1. Maintain a reasonable weight, improve physique

When exercising, the body will have a process of burning calories, reducing the amount of cholesterol and excess fat in the body. Help you maintain a healthy weight and improve a healthy toned physique. Those who are overweight and obese, if taking care of sports, burning a lot of energy with a reasonable and scientific weight loss diet, the opportunity to get in shape very quickly, time to improve has clear results.

2. Reduce stress

Regular physical exercise not only burns calories, but it also releases the hormones serotonin and dopamine, which help relieve stress and anxiety. Playing sports regularly with teammates, friends, you will feel more relaxed and comfortable, the stresses, anxieties in life will be eliminated, instead of the spirit of joy and comfortable.

3. Improve the brain

Playing sports with vigorous exercise will help increase oxygen levels to the brain. The brain absorbs enough oxygen to help the blood circulation, improve memory, concentrate and limit headaches due to stressful work.

4. Support in the treatment of depression

Team sports activities like cycling, yoga, badminton, tennis… help increase neurotransmission and increase endorphins and serotonin hormones. This makes you happier and happier. On the other hand, playing sports in a team or group will help you have a positive mind. For people with signs of depression, it will help them to be closer, friendly and sociable.

5. Improve the sex life

The benefits of playing sports are evident in your sex life. According to the research results, if women practice yoga, walking. Men participating in activities such as soccer, badminton will help both sublimation in the room. Women will improve the decline of sexual desire, while men will improve physiology and improve erections.