Basic knowledge about Body Fitness you should know

Cardiovascular exercise helps push the practitioner heart rate to an appropriate tolerance level to increase the ability to withstand high pressures from work and life or to avoid breathing difficulties.

Body Fitness was born as a new form of competition, to meet the needs of people with a beautiful body without having to follow the way of fitness (bodybuilding).

Body Fitness emphasizes the aesthetic beauty of the body and the harmony of the muscles. Saying that does not mean that bodybuilding is bad or bad, it is just the purpose of different training hobbies.

Exercise scientists have come up with seven factors to evaluate a person called fitness, along with corresponding types of exercise.


This is the basic training element that every practitioner starting to exercise must undergo. These exercises are intended to improve and enhance movement and balance. On the other hand, it also contributes a lot in burning excess fat and firming the abdomen, back, thighs and hips (central muscle groups).


This is a system of exercises to improve and enhance the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, helping the practitioner have a healthy heart. Cardiovascular exercise helps push the practitioner heart rate to an appropriate tolerance level to increase the ability to withstand high pressures from work and life or to avoid breathing difficulties. In addition, it is an efficient method of burning energy.


This is a key factor to help exercise achieve the best results, helping to increase the control of the nervous system on muscle groups. Exercises that require coordination between central muscle groups and other muscle groups on the body help firm and reduce excess fat, help the body improve posture control and maintain joint stability. This training element also helps the body burn very high energy in a short time.


This is a system of exercises to train the stretching and resilience of muscle groups, helping the body improve mobility, reduce the risk of injury, increase blood circulation to muscles, improve body circulation. At the same time soothe back pain and other muscles.


This is a system of exercises to improve and develop the speed of the whole body or a specific group of muscles, helping the body become more flexible and agile to effectively perform all activities not only in practice but also in everyday life.


This is a system of exercises to improve and enhance the ability of the muscles to react, helping the communication between the motor system and muscle groups participate in movement quickly and strongly.


This is a system of exercises of resistance or resistance training to improve specific defects on the body. This exercise works well in improving the cardiovascular system and improving physiological abilities, helping to reduce fat, grow muscle and increase metabolism. The combination of exercise and balance exercises will help bring the most optimal results for the body, helping the body burn energy long day effectively.