How should new runners recharge the body after running? (Part 2)

The protein

Each person’s body can only absorb 30 grams of protein at a time, so there is no need to drink more protein instead, eat a 112 gram serving of chicken with some rice and vegetables.

The stomach also needs training

It is normal for a stomach to feel strange at the beginning of a run. Just like every person needs to train their leg muscles to handle it while running, you also need to train your stomach.

During exercise, blood is diverted from the stomach and to the part of the body that is most active – the muscles. Any leftover food in the stomach will be disturbed around and can cause discomfort.

Even without food, the shaking of the stomach during the run is provoking enough. Just as the legs and lungs have to build strength, the stomach and intestines need to adapt to running. Runners should “train” their stomachs by not eating too full before training and adjusting their eating times so that the stomach can fully digest food.

When exercising more than 60 minutes a day, runners need to add carbohydrates to provide enough energy for the body during exercise.

Runners need to add carbohydrates to provide enough energy for the body

When exercising endurance, runners need to have a diet that is equal to the intensity of exercise, so a full day menu with a full range of nutrients is an important factor affecting training performance.

Medium intensity of exercise

With a training day of over 60 minutes or alternating with a small portion of heavy intensity, runners need to provide a moderate amount of carbohydrates (carbs) and protein, which means an average of 2 carbs a day.

If you have carbs for breakfast and lunch, the runner should reduce this amount at dinner, add protein, fat, and eat lots of vegetables. This ensures the body has enough energy when engaged in resistance training. Best of all, these carbs (glycogen) will still recharge after running and ready for the next day.

A one-day menu full of nutrients is an important factor affecting exercise performance

Each runner meal needs to prioritize foods with low GI carbs (slow-converting carbs) and protein to release sustained energy, promote muscle growth and recovery.

Besides, runners need to supplement the dinner of polyunsaturated fats to promote the function of muscle cells; Iron-rich foods to supply oxygen to working muscles, and support energy production during resistance training.